Player Series Bottle Lookup
We built it.
When we launched our first release of 22,860 bottles - one for every player in major league history - the question we commonly received was "what player does my number represent?"
Until now, that data has not been easily searchable. But, with the help of our friends at Baseball Reference, we have brought this debut information to life, and made it quickly accessible.
A few notes on this data:
1. Any players that debut on the same day share the same debut number. Time of the day, inning debuted, etc., are not factored in. For example - all 18 players from the very first game share Debut #1, and all players in the second game start at Debut #19.
2. All major leagues, not just MLB, are considered. For a more detailed breakdown, we recommend this link.
3. A player's debut position in history can change. Through tireless efforts, new players from the early days of baseball history are sometimes discovered, which causes all players debuting afterwards to shift one number higher. Additionally, this same research also leads to unique situations where debut numbers shift one number lower. We strive to present the most up-to-date and accurate capture of this data.
Ready to look up your player? Click below!
Loading players.. Something went wrong, please try again later! No players matching "${ search.trim() }" Showing ${ totalPages > 1 ? firstItemCurrentPage : computedPlayers.length } to ${ lastItemInCurrentPage } of ${ totalPlayers } player${computedPlayers.length !== 1 ? 's' : ''}${ computedMatchingText }
${ name }
The ${ numberWithCommas(ordinal(debut)) } player in Major League history was ${ name }!
${ name } made his Big League debut on ${ formatDate(date) }.
He appeared in ${ numberWithCommas(games) } games over ${ seasons } seasons, playing for the ${ resolveTeam(team, date) }${ resolveList(teams, index) } .
To learn more about ${ name }, visit Baseball Reference.
id: ${ id }Show more
Enter your player number to discover them in history!
Or browse our collection of ${ numberWithCommas(players.length) } players
${ numberWithCommas(currentPlayer.position) }